August 28, 2013

This Shouldn't be in Comic Sans

I've noticed that more than often that when this webpage loads on your screen, the title of the blog or the title to my blog posts tend to be in Comic Sans. I don't understand why that really happens. If you do see some other oddities do let me know, not that there is anyone even reading these. 
I'm also enjoying decorating the page and playing with the colours and fonts and templates but I'll still need a while to get a hang of it. Maybe in the future it'll look way cooler and way more organized. Stick around maybe you'll be there to see it.

Share Some Chocolate!

I can't recall a single time when I've had the opportunity to own a whole bar of chocolate all to myself. I've always had to break nuggets off and give it to who ever is around. And usually, just the crinkle-crinkle of the plastic wrap and the golden aluminium foil around my magnificent bar of chocolate is enough to bring people in like nerds to a comic convention. Now, that's not a bad thing. I'd rather share my bar of chocolate than have it all to myself, wouldn't you?
Sometimes when I really feel like it, I leave the house (still in my pyjamas), head to the store nearby and buy myself a bar of chocolate. I almost always meet someone on the way back and offer them a piece. This is less out of courtesy and more out of the willingness to share it.

"Oh my gosh you're such a saint... showoff. I give to charity too you know!... well, sometimes"

Sheesh calm down reader.
All I'm saying is sharing is a good feeling, and more than often what goes around comes around.

Just last week a friend and I shared a rickshaw home and a lady asked if she could ride with us because her knees were weak. We said okay, and yes, this time out of courtesy. She was all chatty and asked about our education and college and we answered as much as we thought it was okay to answer.

"Stranger danger silly girl! She could have done something! Don't you watch enough movies kid?"

Yeah, yeah I know okay, but listen to me!
We dropped her off where she wanted to get off and that was that.
Yesterday I was the one in need of a ride home after class ended late last night, and I could have walked the distance however, I was not only lazy but it was also raining. This time, another lady already comfortably seated in an autorickshaw offered to share the ride and drop me home instead.
Karma? I don't know. But Justin Timberlake sure knew what he was talking about.

I like to believe in the genuine goodness of people. There's so much good happening in the world that not many people know of. You know what? Why don't you go and do some yourself! Right now! Go grab a chocolate bar and share it with someone. No I'm serious go ahead! Oh, and while you're at it if you see a girl on the streets wearing pyjamas and holding a bar of chocolate, it's probably me.

August 21, 2013


"You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say."  ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

I know, right? This took a while for me to understand, and now that I do I can't help but agree with you Mr.Fitzgerald.
Let me introduce myself: My name is Pearl Alex and I'm a 17 year old girl from Mumbai, India. I made this blog because, well, the internet was slower than usual so instead of waiting impatiently for videos from some of my favourite YouTubers to stream in (that too at 144p only!) I thought I'd do something different at the moment. Yup. Not trying to sell you anything. Just a girl with stuff to say.

"That's it? well.. whad'ya got here then?"

Ah! Okay.. 
Well, mostly just my opinion about things that interest me or anecdotes from my life. I'll try not to sound too boring about it. I'm open to feedback so constructive criticism will always be welcome. One reason I'm doing this is so that I can have the events that occur here as a tiny bookmarks in my life. So that years from now I can always come back here and read silly stuff I may or may not publish here and re-read them,  or laugh at them, or ponder over them, or slap myself in the face for being a really stupid kid. I don't know what to make of it right now and I'm not even sure of how often I'll post here but I have a feeling it'll be worth it. 

Thank you for reading! I hope to see you around more often.