March 08, 2015

Dear Future Self

I hope you're doing well. I hope by now you're well off and wiser and better at managing your time and money and friends than I am. Also, healthier. A few kilogrammes lighter would be nice, but I guess that's what all women always want.

I hope you haven't stopped writing. You remember that plan you made?
1. Write good book
2. Use shitload of the money you make off the book to gather experiences
3. Use that as inspiration for next book
4. Repeat all the above.
I wonder if you ever stuck to that.

By now you better be living on your own terms, with a pet or two of course. You should be able to cook a little and know how to drive. I sincerely hope you've picked up where you left off with the piano. It is a shame that I didn't pursue it hard enough. I pray you don't make the same mistake. Who knows maybe you're in some music group doing really well or your career plan is something else entirely. You just better know what you're up to.

I'd be happy to know you finally learnt how to edit videos and you're running your own gutsy vlog. I know its something you've always wanted to do. It'd make me happy knowing you've attended at least one vidcon by now. That'd be a huge dream-come-true.

I hope you never stopped learning and working on the best possible version of yourself. Knowing you, girl, you got work to do.
I hope that you're on your way to becoming whatever it is you plan to be now, and that you're actively doing something towards it. No drifting. No procrastinating. You've done enough that. I'd know.
I hope you meet some lovely people along the way. Some passionate and inspiring individuals worth emulating and accompanying. People whose presence you find warm, encouraging, supportive and give you a sense of security.
However, always remember my good friends too. If you're not in touch with them, shame on you. Call them after you're done reading. I'm leaving you a list of must-calls in an email draft okay? Names and contacts.

I also hope you're happy and doing what you love. If you aren't in such a situation I hope that whatever it is you're going through will pass soon. Most phases do. I want you to be able to tell yourself then what I tell myself now in times like these-that the universe is infinite you are a fragile sack of blood, bones and flesh troding a tiny blue rock. Your existence in itself is a miracle. Your problems couldn't possibly be too big.

If you're much more religious by now then I'm going to give you the standard cliché. Don't tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big God is.

If you're a mother by now, I'm honestly shocked. But I'm sure you gave in to societal convention after serious consideration and you've taken up this responsibility with full knowledge of what lies ahead. If it was by accident, tell kiddo mommy still loves it very much and probably more than the whole entire world, right mommy?

Also, I know you have regrets about certain things. You might regret things I don't even know I'm going to do. Don't dwell on them please. You tend to do that a lot. Let things go. What's in the past is in the past. Okay? Move on.

You will come across some rude, unpleasant people and yet others that will doubt you and tell you that you can't do certain things. You will face obstacles and challenges and hit a wall. You will want to give up a lot of the time. I want you to remember why you started in the first place and get back on track. No pain, no gain. You have places to be. No listening to trash. You do what you've got to do.
As long as its legal of course.

Now it's your turn. I want you to reply to me and tell me how I did, and also write me something to read ten years from when you read this, or whatever time gap you deem fit. Until then, try not to do anything stupid.

Yours alone,
You from May of 2015.