June 08, 2014

Old photographs.

Well they're not too old. They're only from a year and a half ago.
I had a smartphone with a camera for a short while in 2012, a lot of close friends to take silly photos of, hilarious breaks in between my irregularly scheduled classes, WhatsApp for those I didn't meet often, random outings with buddies, a couple birthday parties and a lot of memories I wanted to keep safe by the means of photographs.
Soon after, we got busy with our portions, exams came and went and came again, Facebook profiles were deleted, students migrated, gaps widened, friendships faded, new friends were made along the way, hurdles were overcome, boring college paper work was filled out, practicals were conducted, tests were discreetly cheated on by masses, crash courses were attended, marks were distributed and somewhere in the middle of it all my smart phone was replaced with a dabba.
Now, my boards are done with, my entrance exams are all over, congratulations have been received and I got myself a new phone.
*quick jump of joy*

Say hello to my Moto e! It's what I'm typing this out with. I'm back on WhatsApp and have a bunch of other social apps downloaded on this beauty. Also, I put in my old SD card.
Only just now did I look through the silly photos and videos I took then. I can't believe how much fun I've had. They're not just photographs, they're a moment in time, a moment in my life and the lives of others captured still; a tiny piece of time for me to keep forever. It's funny how nostalgic I feel about it though, it's not like I've lived a long time. Like I said, they're only from a year and a half ago.
Maybe it's because of the people the photos remind me of. Maybe knowing that I'm going to see them less often after our admissions are done with makes me value these photographs more.
It's a scary business these admissions.

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