Get out. This is my blog. If I want to rant I can rant okay. You're still reading? Wow. You must really like me.
I do not like the idea of study leaves. I don't use all of it to study as it is. I miss my friends at college already. I miss my professors too. There. I said it. Shh.
Nor do I like the week long pauses they give us between examinations. Like I'm going to sit and do the same subject for the whole week. Please. I have a life.
I also do not like the kids who are all "why oh why did Newton discover gravity? We'd have one less subject to do" or "why did Leibnitz have to sit around doing all this math? We'd have less calculus to do" Or, "why did Faraday have to play with electricity all the time man. We wouldn't have all this circuitry to understand today."
Listen you brats,
A. Most discoveries were inevitable for their time. If not Newton, another smartypants woulda figured it out.
Most discoveries during the Industrial Age were being researched by multiple teams at the same time. Stop hatin' on Newton. He's a cool chap.
B. Can you imagine how life would've been without these discoveries? Don't even try. You can't.
C. The very fact that you're making that statement means you're simply not ready for some upcoming test. Now who's fault is that? Not Newton.
D. How can you not look at these great people with a sense of reverence? Look at what they've accomplished and discovered. True there's all this material to study but how lucky we are to be alive at this moment in time and witness this vast, limitless ocean of knowledge and be able to be swim in all the hard work so many scientists before us have put in to make our lives so much easier.
So shut it.
You know what else I don't like? The statement "I'm bored"
This is 2014! You have the world in your pocket. It is impossible to be bored. Don't be a spoilt brat. There is always, ALWAYS, something cool you can do.
Also, cockroaches. I do not like cockroaches. Especially ones that fly. This probably has to do with this one incident as a kid when a cockroach climbed up all the way to my knee... In the dark.
Lizards though, they're all right. They keep to the walls and eat all the annoying mosquitoes. Plus, they're like tiny dinosaurs.
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